Week 5 — A late update

I realized today that I forgot to post about progress last week. I’ll start out by saying the weather this week is really as awful as was expected. It’s been too cold for any work to be done on our house. I am not a fan of winter…but even more so this year.

So we’ll look back at last week and wait for it to warm up above freezing maybe next week.

More siding and roofing was done last week. It was super muddy but we couldn’t stay away. One evening Lily walked right of her muddy shoes and was a bit distraught at stepping in the mud in her socks.

On Tuesday it was pretty windy so they spent some time framing the rest of the basement along the exterior walls in. It’s so neat to see the rooms start to take shape and really see it all laid out.

Perhaps one of my favorite developments happened on Wednesday last week…the west deck was added! We were delayed in town Wednesday evening so got out to the house just after sunset when there were just a few orange streaks left in the sky. But oh…the deck. It’s beautiful to stand there and look out to the West.

Friday they worked to frame the South deck and hang more siding and finish the deck roof. Our windows and doors also came in this week. I got a text during the day “I see the window truck at your house today” and sure enough there they were in the garage that evening. I can’t wait to see them installed!

The weather came in Friday night and it hasn’t been above freezing since. So we wait patiently for it to warm up at least a little bit before they can start working again.

Week 4 — Seeing Red and The weather stinks

The weather this last week was miserable. It was incredibly cold, snowy, icy and miserable. The first few days of this week there wasn’t much our builder could do.

Thursday there was movement! They got siding up on the North side of the house and part of the South. It was exciting to start to see the red walls going up.

Friday was cold and windy again. They can’t hang the siding when it’s so windy so they framed some in the basement. I forgot to take pictures though.

Saturday we got 1.5″ of rain and all I could think of was our sub-flooring getting wet. Hopefully this next week it won’t be so lousy so that the siding and roof can get on. Here’s to better weather and more walls!