Skipping ahead

There is lots to fill in between closing and today. I’ll write those posts later…because God opened big doors for us. From building permits to getting electricity and water. But I’m skipping ahead to right now because we have a basement!

My mother-in-law sent these to me around noon on the first day.

They started digging the basement on Monday November 30. My mother-in-law sent me a few pictures around lunchtime. It was so exciting to know they were up on our hill digging.

We could hardly wait to go out after Kerry got home from work and see what they’d done. Imagine our surprise when the whole basement was done and footings were poured!

It so cold up there, but we got a picture of us ‘standing’ in our basement living room. The boys had lots of fun scrambling up the hills of dirt. They almost looked like mountains from the road.

For years the rocky ground was farmed by Kerry’s family. Now seeing all that dirt and rock piled up I gained even more of an appreciation for the struggle it was to harvest a crop from the ground.

I plan to have the big boys gather some of the larger limestone rocks from the piles and save them back. I’ll use them for landscaping and flower beds. I’m sure we will have to move them more than once. My good friend Annette has shared with me her boys’ love of moving rocks so I look forward to sharing the tradition. 🙂

We went out again Tuesday and the walls were poured. It feels surreal and so very exciting. I may have teared up a little watching it all get started. We were blessed with an incredible sunset again and I look forward to watching it set from my deck for years to come.

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