Week 3 Progress

What a week! It’s been exciting to see all that Lyndl and team got accomplished this last week. We have roof trusses and deck supports! I love seeing our roof line from the road. And the deck! Oh my…I am dreaming of drinking coffee in the morning and sunsets in the evenings.

Monday a few of the roof trusses went up. A fork-lift issue caused a bit of a delay, but by Tuesday afternoon almost all of them were up!

Wednesday and Thursday they worked on adding the face-boards on the over-hang and deck roof trusses up. We were fortunate that the weather was fairly nice this week so we got to watch the sunset a couple of evenings.

I forgot to take any pictures Friday but the rest of the face-boards for the deck roof were up and it looks so neat and tidy. The weather is supposed to be lousy the first part of this week again. I obviously know nothing about construction so have no idea when they’ll be working on. It’s like Christmas morning going out every afternoon.

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