Week 2 update

This last week was crazy busy and I didn’t post day by day updates, so you’ll get it all in one here.

Last week the majority of the basement was framed and they’d started on the upstairs. This week the rest of the main floor and garage were both framed. It was neat to see it come together and walk into each of the rooms. It’s one thing to see it drawn on paper, but a whole other ballgame when you can see the walls and walk into doorways. I loved being able to ‘look out’ my windows and envision the layout of each of the rooms.

They also poured the concrete for the deck piers and the walk out basement patio. We are looking forward to many evenings and sunsets from the deck and patio.

We were delighted to see the roof trusses delivered on Wednesday. Every step makes it feel more real and we get more excited to live there.

Thursday and Friday were crazy windy so we knew the roof trusses weren’t going up. The appraiser went out to do a construction appraisal on Friday. This is the last step we’ve been waiting on to get all of our paperwork complete and in line. The appraisers have been busy due to the real-estate market in our area, so we were thankful she was planning to get it all wrapped up Friday afternoon and sent to our bank.

We can hardly wait to see what week 3 brings…

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